Live-In Care
We work with individuals who funds their own care services. We call the people who pay for their care services private Clients. This means that Social Services is not involved in funding their care services. You can contact us directly or get your relatives or perhaps a friend or neighbour to contact us if you wish to pay for your care services. We will then arrange a meeting to assess your needs in the confines of your home. We directly introduce all our carers to you and offer a trial period to see if live-in care is for you. We are always available to listen to you and work with you to meet your lifestyle needs. We do not offer introductory carers services, all your care services are directly managed by us. You can pay for your service via direct debit, bank transfer, debit care payment and cheque.
We also work with Social Services and NHS/CCG/CIC, NHS care services are provided to all clients free of charge however, Social Services care services may be chargeable dependent on your income and expenditure. Your Social Worker will explain this process to you when you meet them. You may be asked by Social Services to pay some contribution towards your care services. if the cost of your care services is jointly funded by NHS and Social Services, Social may take your income and expenditure into consideration before deciding your contribution towards your services.